Get Over It - Revival Blend
Number of Packets:
1 x Packet
2x Packets
3x Packets
6x Packets
10 x Packets
25 x Packets
Number of Packets:
Our proprietary anti-hangover blend utilizes Liposomal Technology - Giving 90%+ nutrient absorption rates to ensure you feel fresh after a nights celebrations.
- 1 capsule with your first drink / 1 in the morning.
- Years of scientific research & testing.
- 100% Natural, Suitable for Vegans.
- Manufactured in the USA at a Premium GMCP Certified Facility
- 100% Money Back Guarantee if you are not satisfied with your purchase
How Revival Blend combats the toxic after-effects of alcohol:

The Revival Blend maintains elevated glutathione levels consistently during and after your celebrations.

Our bodies require glutathione to break down alcohol (Ethanol) into a less toxic biproduct called “Acetate”.

The Revival Blend maintains elevated glutathione levels consistently during and after your celebrations.

Our bodies require glutathione to break down alcohol (Ethanol) into a less toxic biproduct called “Acetate”.